In the same way that the sun can damage our skin, it can also damage our hair. The ultraviolet rays wear on the cuticle, the outside layer of the hair, and leave behind telltale damage such as frizziness, split ends, and discoloration.
Solution: Wear protective hairstyles, such as braiding it, wear a cute hat, or use an umbrella for sun protection. There are also hair products with built in SPF protection, but their true effectiveness is up for debate. Go out early or later in the day, when the sun's rays are not as strong.
This is especially true if you swim in chlorinated pools, as the chemicals that keep pools safe also damage your hair, dry it out, and can even tint it green after a while. (Ask me how I know!) But any kind of swimming can also tangle your hair.
Solution: Rinse your hair after swimming in chlorinated water. If you swim often, use a chlorine-removing shampoo like Ultraswim. Use a good conditioner as well. You can also protect your hair while swimming by using a swim cap and by keeping it braided while in the water.
Okay, so this is a year-round problem. It is not the act of sleeping that is the problem, of course, but rubbing your head on a rough pillowcase during the night can bring on the tangles in the morning.
Solution: Use a satin sleep cap or a satin pillowcase to protect your locks. If you have long hair, braid it loosely at bedtime to prevent snarls.
Our summer activities of sweat and sand tend to lead to more showers than at other times of the year, and that exposes our hair to two additional threats: shampoos and heat. Shampoo strips away our natural oils along with dirt and grime, and too much heat can damage the hair's outer layer, the cuticle. Both can lead to dryness and split ends.
Solution: Don't shampoo every time you take a shower. Especially if your hair tends to be more dry, choose a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. And as good as a hot shower feels, even in the summertime, end it with a shot of cool water to seal your hair's cuticles and stave off split ends.
Unless you have a really short do, there is nothing like the summer heat to get us wanting our hair up and off the back of our necks! It can be easy to adopt a go-to hairstyle and wear it all summer long, whether a ponytail or messy bun. But wearing your hair up in the same way each day can cause "ponytail crease" where the hair elastic is and can actually cause hair breakage, or even hair loss, when you are pulling it back in the same way all the time.
Solution: Change up your updo each day so that where your hair is stressed changes. One day do a low ponytail, the next day a high one, and the next a twist and then next a bun. If you need ideas for different styles, check my YouTube channel and this post. Avoid hair elastics completely, and replace them with gentler hair accessories, such as Lilla Rose products, that are designed not to break your hair going in or coming out. Also, as much as possible, avoid products that use heat and chemicals, both of which can cause damage with prolonged use. Summer is a great time to embrace the naturally beautiful and one-of-a-kind YOU that God created!
P.S. Through the end of June, you can get a leather 8 or braided 8 (like in my picture above!) and a hair stick FREE with a $60 Lilla Rose purchase! And if you order soon, you can get some great patriotic Flexis or Bobbies in time for the Fourth of July! Check out those styles HERE.