If are a CC parent looking for encouraging articles, welcome! I truly am glad you found me. In the nature of full disclosure, I am no longer comfortable recommending Classical Conversations as a curriculum, a community, or a company. Feel free to contact me privately for more information.
Hey, new CC parent! I'm excited for you! You have made a great decision, joining a CC community and jumping in to this program. Maybe you signed up to have a social outlet for your kids, maybe because you are completely on board with the Classical approach, or maybe you don't know anything about it and just didn't want to do the homeschool thing alone. Whatever your situation, and whether your child is four or eleven, or somewhere in between, here are some tips from a sixth-year mom (and fifth-year director) to make the most of this first year.
Get ready the night before.
Prepare for Presentations.
Expect a learning curve.
Get the Fifth Edition.
Get to know your community.
Be ready to fully engage.
Have realistic expectations.
Know what CC will and won't give you.
Trust the system.
Limit your time on CC Connected, etc.
Keep your eyes on your own lane.
Most of all, pray.