"Slow time down."
"Wasn't she born just yesterday?"
"I'm going to go home and cry."
"Tears...I just want to keep them home."
What if it's not? What if you really could keep your children home? Not just to fulfill your dreams, but to fulfill theirs, too? (And before you click away, thinking this is a guilt trip you don't want to take, please read to the end.)
Yes, we homeschool, and one of the things I love most about it is that I don't have to send them off to school for seven hours a day, where others contribute so significantly to building their knowledge, their values, and their worldviews. But I also love that they get to spend time together, that we finish "school" quickly enough that we can focus time on their other skills and interests, that we can spend time not only on the academics, but also on deepening their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God and how it is part of EVERY academic area as well. There are so many benefits to educating our own children that one blog post can't begin to share it well.
I know that not everyone CAN homeschool. There are jobs to go to, bills to pay, perhaps special needs that are best met outside the home. This is NOT about saying everyone should, or that you are a bad parent if you send your child to school. Parenting is full of choices. The early ones that tend to bring out strong opinions, like breastfeeding vs. formula, and cloth vs. disposable, and co-sleeping vs. crib-sleeping. And the later ones like how to educate our children. I am NOT sitting here at the computer screen in judgement of another parent's (hopefully thoughtful and prayerful) choice for their children.
If you are confident in your choice to have your child attend school, whether public or private, then this message is not for you (but it might be for someone you know).
If you wish you could keep your children home with you...
If your tears on the first day of school are a bit more deeply rooted than just a wistful longing for summer not to end...
I want to tell you that you may be able to. It may be possible. I would even be so bold as to say, you probably can. It might involve sacrifice, both of time and finances. It will involve some learning on your part. It might not be possible this actual day (but it might!). But if this is what you want and you think is best for your children, you do not have to do what you think society expects and what feels easiest.
You could homeschool your children.
Just think about it. And if you want to chat about it, leave me a comment or contact me here. I would love to encourage you and pray for you on the journey.