When I told my daughter we would do an experiment about the water cycle today, her eyes lit up.
"Are we going to make it rain?"
"Well yes, sort of," I answered. "It's going to rain in the ziploc bag."
She thought about that for a second. "Is God going to do it?"
This is one of the things I love about teaching my children at home. The teachable moments. "Yes," I told her. "God is going to do it, because He made the rules for how the world works. When we do things according to those rules, we can pretty much know what will happen."
We did set up the experiment and are now in the waiting phase, where my daughter keeps asking, "Is it raining yet?" And while the answer right now is, "no", she is confident that it will, because we are working with God's rules and He will make it happen.
I wonder how many times in a day I overlook God's role in my life. It's so easy to get caught up in my agenda and my plans, instead of going to God, making sure I understand His plans and His rules, and then doing what I can to work alongside Him. How often do I try to "make it rain" on my own efforts, instead of humbly submitting my plans and desires to the Lord, and, while I am setting things up as best I can, trusting Him to do it in the end?
This is true for raising our children, too, regardless of what style of schooling we choose. There is no way I can "make it rain" in my children's lives - I can't make them grow up to be mature adults who love the Lord and care for others. But I can use what I know about God's world and God's Word and set up the circumstances that can nurture those qualities we want to grow in them. And with a lot of prayer, and a little bit of patience, I can have confidence in His ability to do what I cannot.
What "rain" are you trusting God for this year?