- Rake the backyard in 70 degree weather so you don't have to do it three days from now when everything is cold and soggy.
- Find the sled that you bought four years ago, after the last snow.
- Ditto on the snow shovel.
- Make sure you have enough milk, bread, and chocolate because the stores will be empty for the next three days whether it snows or not.
- Check the "hourly" weather forecast so you know not only that it will snow but exactly what time you should look out the window to catch it.
- Stay glued to the news channels so that when school is canceled on Wednesday (because you know it will be), you'll be the first to know. Then cancel your plans that you had made for that first "inclement weather make-up day".
- Take bets with friends on whether or not school will let out early (or be closed) on Tuesday.
- Announce on Facebook that we are going to have SNOW so your friends up north will know they aren't the only ones getting to enjoy winter this year.
- Be prepared with an answer for all those friends up north who think we are silly to close school or get excited for 3-6 inches of snow.
- Charge your camera batteries so you can capture this one for the memory books!
Come on in, friend! Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa, and let's chat! I'd love to share what God's been putting on my heart about the topics of family, femininity, and faith, and you do the same. If you want to go deeper, join my Facebook group for "This Side of Heaven", and be sure to subscribe to keep up with every new post (no spam, I promise!). I look forward to getting to know you and sharing the journey "this side of Heaven!"
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Welcome!Welcome! My name is Kristi. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a writer, a musician... but most of all a child and worshiper of God discovering that even in life's messes, God is still good. Learn more about me and my journey here!
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