But for some reason, the choice to home school draws a lot of fire from critics. Yesterday, a couple of different Facebook friends shared a link to an article online about negative aspects of homeschooling. The link is HERE and (in case it ever gets taken down) HERE.
Regardless of anyone's opinions about homeschooling, the article itself is simplistic and poorly argued. My fellow homeschooling friends took turns online expressing disdain for the misinformation that it shares and the lack of understanding that it shows. But there was no better response than this one, from my eleven-year-old home schooled niece, Hannah G., who graciously allowed me to share her completely unedited article in her guest posting debut:
My response to "Negative Effects and Aspects of Homeschooling"
by Hannah G.
Second, you said that when you homeschool the parent has to take time off to teach the child. So, you’re saying that the parents shouldn’t spend time with their kids?
Third, you said that in order for the child to learn he/she needs to have a gym or a track or a pool. My family and many others belong to pools and we run on our treadmills and we go to gyms and places like that. You are saying that we need a pool, gym, and a track at our house to learn. First, how does not having a pool or gym or tack at our house affect our learning? Second, why can’t we just go to the pool or walk around the neighborhood or just sign up for a sport?
Fourth, you said that when you homeschool you need to pay for things, while when you go to public school you do not have to pay anything. How about when you pay taxes? That is when we pay for our schools, the schools that homeschoolers don’t go to.
Fifth, a lot of homeschoolers are smarter than you think. Some homeschoolers were ready for college, at age 11. Once, a man walked to our house and told my mom that his wife would love to tutor us in the stuff he heard the homeschoolers struggle in like math and gave my mom a paper. First, that is very rude, second, the paper he gave to my mom my mom gave to me and I (I was young) edited it and it was full of mistakes like spelling and grammar (that kind of stuff).
I think that you made a mistake by saying that homeschooling is not a good idea. Your article was full of mistakes and it is ironic that your article was about how homeschooling was bad and a homeschooler edited it.