With so much activity focused on one room, I want to have that room be as orderly as possible. But it isn't, at least not in my home. Whether it is the pile files or the fact that I'm wondering what to cook for dinner at 5:30 or the pantry where the oatmeal is nowhere to be found (hiding behind the marshmallows again!), disorder haunts me and when it intrudes, it disrupts what should be a warm and welcoming place.

The Well Ordered Kitchen planner provides a plethora of forms, advice, and even recipes for anyone wanting to add order to their kitchen. There are several variations in the forms for meal planning, shopping, and recipe cards, as well as helpful information for cooking with herbs, general cooking times, and how long to keep something in your freezer. The graphics are pleasing to the eye (and really, any planner with cute graphics is more fun to use!) and the overall design is crisp and easy to use!
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