It's February, typically a time of homeschool frustration and weariness as we are in the midst of winter in an especially long year, and spring seems oh so far away - all of which makes it the perfect time to start dreaming about the future - made even easier by Memoria Press offering free shipping for the month of February!
I've been anticipating this, so already started on my list a few weeks ago, but now I'm finalizing it so I can place my order and take advantage of all of the savings I can:
- free shipping for the month of February
- a coupon code in the Memoria Press paper catalog (request one HERE)
- a $10 gift card that MP sent to current customers in December (become a customer and you may get one next year!)
- the deeply discounted Core Curriculum bundles from Memoria Press
Fourth grade
This is what we will do in addition:
Math: We will probably continue with Saxon math, probably finishing Saxon 5/4 from this year (I'm trying to slow us down to ensure mastery of basic skills), and then moving into Saxon 6/5 when he is ready. I've also been looking at Rod and Staff Math, which Memoria Press uses, to possibly address some of those basic skills. So this is still a little up in the air. If we go with Saxon, we can still get the Memoria Press core curriculum discount, since math is an optional part of it.
Spelling: We started last year with Spelling Workout, and then discovered that our son had more gaps than expected, so we ended up using the word lists in Spelling Plus, along with their Dictation Resource sentences. We will continue with Spelling Plus next year and then re-evaluate for fifth grade.
Literature: We have loved the Memoria Press literature guides, which help to not only understand the finer points of great books, but also provide opportunities to model good sentence-writing skills. This year, we will read Homer Price, The Cricket in Times Square, Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim's Progress, and The Blue Fairy Book, along with Poetry for the Grammar Years, which always dovetails with what we are reading. We will be diving deeply into those four books, and then we will also read widely as a family with the suggested Fourth Grade Read-Aloud books, most of which we can get from our local library.
Modern Studies: Along with completing his study of US geography, our son will be reading the fourth grade collection of biographies and historical fiction, which we will discuss with the help of Memoria Press’ discussion guide, to widen his understanding of American history. He will also continue to fill in his Timeline book, a project that he won't complete until seventh grade.
Writing: Our son will be in the first book of the Classical Composition series (Fable) next year! I am really excited about this, as I have seen the progress his sister has made in books 2 and 3 this year. I'll share more about this approach in another post soon. He will also continue to learn cursive, using both MP materials and others that we have at home or that we make ourselves.
Science: Continuing with our focus on Creation in the elementary years, we will be focusing on Astronomy next year, a subject that fascinates our whole family. My dad lives nearby and has a great telescope, so I am hopeful for some wonderful grandson/grandpa opportunities in 2021-2022!
Greek: Yes, Greek. Along with Latin, we believe Greek is a vital skill that can be easily learned in elementary and middle school. We are still making decisions about this, but are thinking that our son will begin with Greek Alphabet this year, and then start on MP’s Elementary Greek series in fifth grade.
Eighth grade
Math: Our daughter is working successfully through Saxon's Algebra 1 course this year, so we will not be using MP's math option for eighth grade. Instead, we will spend a year studying Euclid Geometry, using the Classical Mathematics One course. I'm VERY excited about this, although it is completely different from all the math my daughter has done up to now.
Literature: This year, she will read The Wind in the Willows, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, and her first foray into Shakespeare, As You Like It. We will also dig into American Short Stories and poetry, and will enjoy her brother's fourth grade read-aloud novels as a family.
Science: This will be our daughter's first year of a science with a regular lab time. We will be using Novare's Physical Science, and we may spend some family time using Christian Kids Explore Physics as well.
Greek: Our daughter is learning the Greek Alphabet this year, and will start First Form Greek next year. Given some of the other challenging classes she will have this year, we may take this at a slower pace and stretch it over two years.
Christian studies: We will be using The Book of the Ancient World in eighth grade to get a better understanding of the people and neighboring cultures out of which Christianity came, in preparation for a study of Church History in high school. We will also continue to use the Discover 4 Yourself Bible study series, and the middle school Trek series from Awana.
Classical studies: This will focus on Greek history this year, as well as a study of The Odyssey and The Iliad. I will admit, this is a bit intimidating to me as a parent, so I'm thankful for the Memoria Press DVD that comes with this to help guide our study of it!
We still have a bit of tweaking to do, but this is our basic plan going forward. I'm so thankful to have found a classical Christian company that truly equips us to do this! Contact me with any questions, and don’t forget about Memoria Press’ free shipping for the month of February!