Wow, that is a profound and difficult question. Although it is hypothetical, since none of us could know before we conceived how brief our babies' lives would be, at the core is the question, is it worth it? It is a question we would not think of asking someone whose spouse or other loved one has died, because of course they left behind a lifetime of memories, so of course their life was worth living even if death came too soon or in an ugly fashion. But our babies lived such a brief time, and some of them only in the womb, not in the outside world. Is there any benefit from a brief life that outweighs the heartache of saying good-bye? Is it really true that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
Do we still wish we could have saved them, and that the end had been different, and that we could have kept them with us on earth? Of course. That is the strange paradox of pregnancy loss. I will always wonder how life would have been different if one or more of my babies in Heaven had been a take-home-keep-for-a-lifetime baby. But that does not prevent me from seeing how much richer my life is because they lived, no matter how briefly. Because yes, they lived. After all, a baby can't die if he or she has never lived. They lived within me for two weeks, or two months, or four months. And their lives changed mine, profoundly, and left me with memories that make me smile. And to, hypothetically, give up those memories and those changes to my character and my outlook on life, all to avoid the pain of the good-bye, is not something I would choose.